After Mother’s Day happens, and the chaos wears off, I do a little tradition of my own for my Little Diva. And it’s not a baby book.
Don’t get me wrong- baby books are awesome. And baby scrapbooks or picture boards are also quite impressive (and treasures of course!). However, I do something a bit different- and I hope you consider this idea for you or someone you know!
About a decade ago, I read about an idea that stuck with me up until I had a child of my own. Every year, I write a little message to my Little Diva on Mother’s Day in a dedicated journal. I discovered so many other people have done this- but I only realized it after I researched it. So, I hope at least one of you carries out this fun tradition.
Here are a few things I talk about in my journal:
-What’s currently happening in the world
-Important milestones and teacher names, etc
-My Little Diva’s favorite activities/hobbies/interests
-A special note just from me
Sometimes, I add in entries for other special occasions. For instance, the day Little Diva started school- or when our team won the Stanley Cup or the Superbowl. I try to keep things positive and uplifting and focus on the good parts of life in my journal to my Little Diva.
For me, this journal is just between me and my Little Diva. That’s my choice- but you could have others add in entries or little poems etc. Any any person could do this for any other person! I aspire to give the journal over to Little Diva on an important day like graduation or her wedding day…but who knows; I could also give it to her on an ordinary day and make that day special. My hope is that she will understand that I took some special time out of the hectic life we lead to just focus on her and how I see her in specific moments in time. Here are some fun journals to get you started…click here!
P.S.- My journal writing also happens post my mommy vacation! Read here for what i mean!