Crafting a book undoubtedly takes many characteristics- all of which must be special to every individual author. I am repeatedly awed at the process and am happy to reap the benefits of each arduous task. I am also quite certain each tale warrants many threads, that when woven together, construct its own masterpiece of fabric.
Books are complicated creatures and cannot be described in any singular category. However, I find myself continually searching for “certain types” of books depending on my mood and place in my life. Sometimes I go down a rabbit hole in one genre and other times I jump from category to category like the complex human I am (and aren’t we all?)!
So, I have decided to venture into the Colorful Reading Project. Each week (hopefully), I will present a book (or more than one) and will categorize it for the KML audience. I am going to assign colors to the categories which will express the main genre. l may also include the sub-colors, so you know the entirety of the literary tale (more on this later). I acknowledge that these headings may be general and for sure will not be the “only” one that pertains to each story.
You will not find me summarizing a book. I like to express how the book made me feel rather than something I would submit as a book report. The genre that is assigned will put you on the diving board and the feelings will get you jumping into the pool- so to say. The colors are meant to be simple and, also, I assigned them to my initial feel of the shade. Without further ado- here are the categories and colors:
Purple– Science Fiction
White- Fantasy
Pink- Comedy
Blue- Drama
Green- Young Adult
Red- Romance
Orange- Action/Adventure
Yellow- Suspense/Mystery
Brown- Historical Fiction
Other: Reserved for potential other colors
I tried to pick colors that evoke my feelings about that genre. However, books, inevitably, are all colors- making a true rainbow.
Each week I will post links on this page- and you can see stories and highlights on Instagram as well at kellymaclilac